Glad Man 1.0

To me, Henry Heinen is my Glad Man 1.0. As my father-in-law, and my mentor, he is the person who got me excited about glads. He has been growing beautiful glads for close to 40 years. His passion is in growing and gifting glads. Many people from Lethbridge to Neerlandia have been blessed by his glads over the years. As our oldest son was planning his wedding in 2018, his request went to his Grandpa to supply glads for the wedding. Unfortunately July 14 was too early for Dad’s glads. With consult from an expert in Edmonton, I decided to give it a go and see what I could do to produce early glads in time for the wedding. Dad supplied me with 100 corms to work with and I have not looked back since. I am proud to call myself Glad Man 2.0 after this great mentor, my Glad Man 1.0, Henry Heinen. Thanks Dad!