Growing Straight Glads

How are your glads so straight?
What do I need to do to keep my glads from falling over?

Planting glad corms deep is key in growing tall, straight glads. Some glad spikes grow past 5 ft tall, so ensuring they don’t fall over is important in order to get full enjoyment out of the beautiful blooms. I recommend that corms be planted at least 4-6” deep. Because most of my glads are planted in rows, I dig trenches to plant the corms in. I target a depth of 6”. If your glads are falling over, it is ok to stake them. When placing the stake, be sure to go out at least 2” from the base of the plant to not damage the corm below. Use soft material or Velcro straps but don’t tie too tight around the stake. The spike will need freedom to grow up.